
Shipping & Refund Policy

Timoraah’s shipping policy ensures that our products are typically shipped within a 5-7 business day timeframe. If, for any reason, you don’t receive your order within this period, please reach out to us at info@timoraah.com, providing your order details.

Regarding returns, we regret to inform you that we cannot accept returns for our beauty care products due to their limited shelf life. We appreciate your understanding on this matter, and we kindly request that you refrain from returning your purchase to the manufacturer.

However, we do offer exchanges for items that arrive defective or damaged. To initiate an exchange, please contact us via email at info@timoraah.com. Be sure to include pictures and videos illustrating the damage to both the package and the items, along with your purchase details.

We appreciate your choice in Timoraah for your beauty care needs, and your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us.